Brad Renfro Net Worth

#Fact1Two days before his death he had "Fuck All Y'All" tattooed on his back.2He was originally cast as Will Rollins in Freddy vs. Jason (2003), but was replaced by Jason Ritter less than a week before filming began.3Once roomed with Mark Foster, founding member of the band Foster the People.4Started playing guitar when he was 6 years old.5His favorite of his own movies was Bully (2001).6Favorite actor was Steve McQueen.7Ex-girlfriend Anne Bergstedt established a memorial fund after Renfro's January 15, 2008, death from an overdose.8He was discovered by casting director Mali Finn for the leading role in The Client (1994) when he was ten.9His grandmother, who had taken care of Brad from an early age, died February 1, 2008, of natural causes. She was 76 years old.10Auditioned for the part of Gabriel Martin in The Patriot (2000), which eventually went to Heath Ledger, who died from an overdose of prescription drugs on January 22, 2008, exactly one week after Brad's death.11His family revealed a few days after his death that he had a son with an unknown woman. The mother and the child lived in Japan.12Had not acted for a year at the time of his arrest for attempting to buy heroin.13On December 22, 2005, he was arrested, together with 14 other suspects, during a random drug-sting operation in downtown Los Angeles while allegedly trying to buy heroin.14Cousin of Jesse Hasek, singer for the band 10 Years from Knoxville, Tennessee.15Raised by his grandmother, he was discovered by casting director Mali Finn, who was conducting a search for a kid to star in The Client (1994). Brad and his grandmother were flown to Hollywood for a screen test. Brad had never flown on a plane or stayed in a hotel before.16Won the "Hollywood Reporter's Young Star Award" in 1995.17Until he was discovered and cast in The Client (1994), he attended Fountain City Elementary School in Knoxville, Tennesee.18Ordered back to jail for remainder of probation by a Florida judge due to his drunk-driving arrest in January. [February 2002]19In Knoxville, Tennessee, was arrested and charged with public intoxication and driving without a license. He was stopped after a traffic violation near his house. [January 2002]20While on probation in Florida, arrested May 16, 2001, for underage drinking as car was pulled over. Released from jail after $500 bond posted. [May 2001]21Sentenced to two years' probation and ordered to pay more than $4,000 for repairs on a yacht that he tried to steal in Fort Lauderdale. [January 2001]22Arrested in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on a grand-theft charge for allegedly trying to steal a 45-foot yacht. He and a companion failed to untie the boat from the dock, causing damage to both the boat and the dock. [August 2000]23He was arrested in his hometown of Knoxville, Tennessee, when police pulled him over and allegedly found cocaine and marijuana in his pants and socks. [June 1998]24Knoxville, Tennessee: He struck a plea bargain on cocaine and marijuana charges and agreed to undergo random drug screening. [July 1998]25Played in a school production sponsored by DARE, a program in which young people learn about the danger of drugs.26The Official Brad Renfro Fan Club 322 Foxboro Dr. Walnut, CA 91789-2032 USA.27A proficient guitar player who listed Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page as his idol.28Mother: Angela.29His father, Mark, a factory worker, split from his wife while Brad was a toddler.30Half-sister: Haley Rose Olsen.
