Twins Get Adopted by Abusive Family as Biological Relatives Weren't Allowed to Take Them In

Despite growing up with an abusive adoptive family, twin brothers survived their childhood misery and became a voice for children in a broken foster care system.

Not all adoption stories have happy endings. However, sharing them can help raise awareness, so no child has to live a life full of trials and tribulations. The heartbreaking adoption diary of the Jacobs twins follows a similar theme.

Daquane Shamar Jacobs and Tavon Lamar Jacobs were born to Patricia, who was addicted to drugs during her pregnancy. Because she took illicit drugs, her twins tested positive for having drugs in their systems.

[Left] A childhood picture of Daquane and Tavon. [Right] Daquane and Tavon holding placards at a protest. | Photo:


Thereafter, they were called "crack babies." At birth, the twins weighed only two pounds. Soon afterward, the twin brothers were taken out of the hospital and placed into foster care.

Their other family members fought to get them back but were unsuccessful. When they turned two, they were adopted by the Woods family. Their adoptive parents changed their names to Daquane Sammie Woods and Tavon Sammie Woods.

Daquane and Tavon grew up with several unanswered questions about their origins. Life was hard because the boys never received the love, care, and affection they deserved. They didn't know anything about their adoptive or birth family.


Ironically, the twins were subjected to physical and verbal abuse and were never allowed to speak up in their adopted family. Regarding their traumatic childhood, Daquane expressed:

"Growing up we went through so much that many people don’t know about, we were broken as kids and had so many issues that no one paid attention too, we felt like we was just a check (sic)."

Daquane even tried committing suicide many times but changed his mind because of his brother. The two brothers began smoking and drinking at a young age and were afraid to confide in people, including their adoptive parents.


Sadly, the twins didn't do well at school either. Fortunately, they found their biological family when they were 17 and headed from Columbia to Sumter, South Carolina. They stopped at a shopping mall where a random man approached them.

Over time, the twin brothers have become advocates for children who were failed by the foster care system.

Surprisingly, the stranger told the brothers they looked like his cousins. When they told him their biological last name, the man confirmed he was their cousin and had been looking for them for many years.


Daquane and Tavon often snuck out to meet their birth family. But reconnecting with their long-lost family felt strange and emotional and different from the brothers' expectations.

They lived a rough life and indulged in anything that would help them forget the pain for a long time. While they always wanted to live a positive life, they lacked direction, and their troublesome past worsened things.

Consequently, the brothers didn't know what genuine love was, and it was difficult for them to reciprocate it. In 2016, their 17-year-old brother was shot, and it changed their lives drastically. They moved to Georgia, but life didn't get any easier.


The twins transformed when they joined their sister and brother-in-law in church one day. Soon, they felt they had a goal to work toward and a direction in life. Thereafter, Daquane and Tavon began fighting for every kid in the foster care system.

The brothers started working at a group home called AMIkids, cherishing their time with the kids. Fortunately, the children became attached to them as they finally had someone who empathized with them.

Things went awry when Daquane and Tavon started raising a voice for how the kids were mistreated at the facility. Soon afterward, the brothers were suspended for a week and eventually fired.


Over time, the twin brothers have become advocates for children who were failed by the foster care system. They even began a movement, "Dirt to Diamonds," drawing strength from their experience to help others. Davon also shared:

"I realized we are their voice and they need people like us. Fighting for kids in the foster care system is my passion and I love being the voice for the children who are voiceless."

Daquane and Tavon are passionate about traveling the world and becoming a beacon of hope for children who have nobody to call their own. It's incredible to see how far these brave men have come in life. Undoubtedly, they have hearts of gold!

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-8255. Other international suicide helplines can be found at
